April Runs

… hikes, kickbikes, skis and more

Archive for the category “Friends”

Kolobeh 2017/18

Po pul roce zase na blogu a tak jenom kratke fotoshrnuti, jak nam ta zima strasne rychle utekla:

Podzim zacal rannim behem Prahou (holky, diky!)…

a pokracoval pobihanim u nas v Pinzgau a pak i u svagrovy v Delftu a okoli.

Behalo se ale i v Kanade (Banff),

nebo treba v San Franciscu.

V listopadu zase u nas v udoli, nez nas zaskocil

snih a mraz, takze jsme plynule presly na brusle a

lyze. Nejdriv na ledovci, a od prosince i

na Schmittce.

Naglkoepfl byl pod snehem uz od listopadu,

stejne tak vsechny louky kolem Niedernsillu.

Nastesti jsme vcas vyhrabaly tuleni pasy a


Holky nas co chvili ukecaly na sanky,

na bezky ale se mnou nechtely.

Daleko vic je bavilo zavodit nebo

zdolavat ledopady.

Na tajnacku jsme bez nich parkrat rano vyrazily do prasanu, ale

pak jsme jim to zas vynahradily na stene.

V dubnu najednou zase nastal cas na kolo (Tucnaku, diky!) a po par dnech i

na kolobrndu.


Tlusty holky to delaj taky!

Zarijova vyzva skoncila a ja znova pristala na druhym miste. Tentokrat mi kilometraz pekne poskocila az na 200 km, za coz jsem moc rada.

Rijnovy kick-off probehl dnes (18,5 km/1000 m vertical) za husteho deste, takze zase dobrej pocit.


Jak se tak prodluzujou vecery, koukam vic a vic na internet, popijim vino, ukusuju sejra, chroupu bramburky, pak si za to nadavam a kladu dalsi a dalsi predsevzeti. Kilometraz se sice zvysuje, ale zadek mam furt stejne velkej. Tenhle kolobeh je vazne nekonecnej. Mozna to proste musim prestat resit. Par inspirujicich odkazu:

Mirna Valerio – Fat Girl Running

Julie Creffield – Too fat to run

Sarah Robles: @roblympian (americka olympijska medailistka)



Tucnakova Srpnova vyzva

Srpen je u nas tradicne top-season: barak plnej hostu, dvere se netrhnou a my neurvem. Kdyz prisla Renata s napadem na bezeckou vyzvu prave uprostred leta, spadla mi celist… a probudilo se ve mne me soutezive ja. Posledni dobou beham nepravidelne, bez nalady a cile – mozna prave behaci vyzva je neco pro me.
Kdyz se k nam pripojily jeste Houba s Liskou, bylo mi jasny, ze to bude litej boj.


Srpen u nas v udoli

Krome behani jsme do vyzvy o urvani co nejvetsiho poctu kilometru  pripojily a ruznyma koeficientama poladily i horskou turistiku (Liska planovala dovolenou v Jesenikach), kolo a kolobezku. Liska jako nejschopnejsi z nas vysvihla bozi excelovou tabulku a pak uz jen stacilo den co den horlive makat a zapisovat.

Jak uz jsem predeslala, situace u nas nebyla idealni: hned v uvodu mesice tu na navsteve byl 12H se Slunecko a taky kamoska B se trema detma. V druhy pulce mesice prijela nase babi a V slavila narozeniny, ke vsemu se v Zell am See jel IRONMAN 70.3. Cas jsem proste hledala, jak se dalo. Par vybehu zacinalo rano pred patou a casto jsem se neodvazila dal do hory ve strachu, ze se nestihnu vratit uvarit hostum snidanovy kafe.


Vychod slunce nad niedernsillskym rybnikem

Houba si diky cyklodovolene od zacatku vyrobila smrtelny naskok a my za ni vlaly. Kdyz se situace po par dnech trochu upravila, pri jedne vyjizdce me cestou z Kaprunu srazil z kolobezky kluk na horskym kole. Nejenom, ze mi zmodrala noha a bricho, ale predni kolo Miba se zkroutilo do tak kvalitni osmy, ze se kolo neprotocilo vidlici. Co ted? Proste vic behat!


Srazka s blbcem

Ve tretim tydnu jsem ze zoufalstvi natocila 66 bezeckych kilometru, tyhle pro spoustu lidi smesne objemy ja naposledy behala pred peti lety… Zacala jsem dohanet Houbu a uzivat si sveho pomaleho a neohrabaneho (lec vytrvaleho) behu.


Niedernsill jako na dlani

Pres WhatsApp a Garmin Connect mezitim prichazely hlasky od holek. Liska nasledovala hlas sveho srdce do Jeseniku a mocne zamichala poradim 54 km dlouhym ultra prechodem horskeho masivu. Tucnakovi se rozlomila klenba (myslim, ze takhle nejak to rikala – ale presnou diagnozu nikdo nezna), takze zacala na kole jezdit na pivo: z domova k Lasikum (takova fajn hospudka, pro me vzdy zavrena – nekde na soutoku Vltavy a Labe). Houba vybihala temer denne za humna, pricemz profil jejich trailu vypadal vzdy jako stredne obtizny horsky pulmaraton.


Dalsi vybeh nad Niedernsill

Vsechny jsme nadavaly na hromadici se kupicky smrdutejch bezeckejch hadru a cas plynul a plynul, az nastal posledni srpnovy vikend: slo se z tlustejch do tenkejch. Tucnak premluvila rodinu na vikendovou MTB akcicku a spolecne v podstate objeli jizni Polsko. Houba strihla v jizerkach pulmaratonek, Liska udrzovaci beh, ja si rozsekala zadek na kasi na spinningovym kole… kazdej se proste snazil, jak umel.



Z euforie a sneni o moznem vitezstvi me tri dny pred koncem mesice uprostred noci vzbudily krece v zadku. Nepomohly ani ruzove pilulky, gluteus mocne protestoval proti jakymukoli pohybu… A tak se Houba prese me v konecnym poradi prenesla s lehkosti sobe vlastni. My ostatni na ni obdivne virtualne pohledly a taky sme slastne vydechly. Mne nezbylo nez ledovat a doufat, ze bolest pred zahajenim dalsi mozne vyzvy odezni.


And the winner is…

Summa summarum prima akcicka pripominajici Janathon. Dohromady (= ve ctyrech) jsme za jedenatricet srpnovych dnu zvladly odbehnout 582 km, ujet na kole/kolobce 717 km a ujit po horach 134 km. Zadny svetovy rekordy jsme nepokorily, ale pocit je to super a presne o to slo. Tucnakovi dik za vyzvednuti z gauce a vsem pak respekt!

Celkovou vitezkou je Houba, gratulace!

Sest kratkych obrazu z jednoho dlouheho behu

Obraz prvni (prepis z chatu):

T: Priste, az tu budes, pobezime k Lasikum, je to tam super a od nas jenom asi 10 km, pohodicka.

A: OK. Pojedu na kolobezce. Nebo na kole.

T: Tam to na tu tvoji kolobezku neni…

A: Uvidime. Mam cas v pondeli nebo v utery.

T: Jeeee, to maj zrovna zavreno. Ale nevadi, kousek dal je Unetickej pivovar. Naklikala jsem trasu a je to celkem 10.2 km, to dame! Zpatky pobezime indianem.

A: OK.

Obraz druhy (kdesi u Vltavy, severne od Troji):

T (stroze): Mam ten nart prej nacatej.

A (bolestne): Hm. Ja mam infarkt stehna.

T (presvedcive): Pobezime az k tomu druhymu privozu, je to tam hezky.

A (vystrasene): OK. Uz mame skoro 7 km.

T: Ono to do Unetic stejne bude asi trochu vic.

A: ?

T (vahave): Asi 12.

A (ulevne): OK.


Obraz treti (temny kopcovity les):

T (odhodlane): Tady nekde ted budeme hledat tu zkratku.

A (taktez odhodlane): Jasne, v poho.

T (svitorive): Jeee, my jsme ji nenasly. Tak to bude celkem tak 16… Jee hele, tamhle je veverka.

A (nechapave): Jaka veverka?

T: Prazsky!

Obraz ctvrty (Uneticky pivovar):

A (durazne): Jedno pivo rozhodne nestaci!

T (radostne): To teda ne. Dame i polivku a sejra. Ahoj kluci!!! (zvola smerem k Veverkovi, t-birdovi, RIDovi a Malemu Medvedovi)


Obraz paty, dil prvni (Kozi hrbety):

A (konstruktivne): Mate pravdu (obraci se k Tucnakovi, RIDovi a Malemu Medvedovi), vecna skoda prijit o tenhle zapad slunce. Trochu me ale bolej nohy.

T: Tak pobezime pres tresnovku.

A (vystrasene): Je to este daleko?

Sbor (rozhodnym hlasem): Ne!

Obraz paty, dil druhy (Sarka):

T: Jee, bezime po trase SUTRu! To je nahodicka!

A (unavene): Je to este daleko?

Sbor (rozhodnym hlasem): Ne!


Obraz sesty (Hostinec Pod loubim, Dejvice):

A: Tri Kozly prosim vas, ale rychle.

T (opatrne): Tak mne to hlasi 27 km. Tobe?

A (udivene): Mne taky.

T (nadsene): Tak posleme kluky do Stromovky a dojedem to tramvaji.

A (ulevne az radostne). Tak jo.


Tucnaku a kluci, diky za super odpoledne a vecer, bylo mi cti!





Kulovy blesk

Casto se to tak sejde, ze na cestu do a z Prahy mam sotva dva dny a do toho pochuzky, navstevy, zarizovacky a sem tam pivo. Nejinak tomu bylo i minuly tyden: odvezt kamaradovo auto do Kamenice nad Lipou (out of all places!), najit spoj na Prahu, vyridit x schuzek, pospravovat a pozarizovat vse potrebne pro maminku, probrat dulezita temata s brachou a jeste stihnout aspon jednoho kamarada a par piv.

Ve vysledku vykazala tahle bleskova akce super parametry. Povazte sami, behem dvou a pul dne totiz:

  • 3x za sebou vstavam mezi treti a patou hodinou;
  • 4x jedu vlakem;
  • 2x absolvuji rodinnou seslost;
  • 2x se cpu a piju pivo behem ITB veceri, behem nichz vedle me sedi:
  • poprve vejdu do Trailpointu a seznamim se osobne s Evzenem;
  • 2x vybehnu: 9 km s UltraJitkou, potom 8 km s Tucnakem – potkavame RIDa;
  • vyzvednu kolobezku (zase uz!) u Ladi Blahy, kterezto setkani demonstruje propojenost ruznych svetu: sveruje se mi, ze (neuspesne) montoval cyklotasky na kolobku Advidovi;
  • 17 km jedu na Mibu GT Split pres Prahu;
  • 12 km projdu Prahou.



… a vysmata.

Takze kamaradi, mame vas radi – vsem diky!

How to recognize a friend

My mother in law is ill and V. with the kids are spending these weeks with her. This means I was left somewhat orphaned here in Niedernsill. Luckily there is always a lot of work to do…. and there are friends who won’t let me down.

As the matter of fact, these past days have not been lonesome but truly amazing and full of demonstrations of real friendships.

It all started when a few days ago,  I received a shoe box shaped package through snail mail. Shoes inside would be boring, the content was much better than that: Mama v behu was sending me books to read (as she knew I was either alone at home or traveling on night trains and buses. She even added a herbal cream against sore feet.

Then Alma, the Plustenner, sent me the kindest email.

Then Liska came by and brought even more books and wine.

And finally 12Honza and Dana arrived to spend the entire weekend in Niedernsill…. not by running or hiking or skiing. No. They came to work in our garden.

As we were unloading their car the first night, fruit trees and garden tools were filling up the garage. And the next morning, just as if we knew each other for ever, we naturally changed to our working clothes and spent the entire weekend by mowing, raking, planting, pruning and cutting…



20150502_142332 20150502_205637We talked a lot. And drank. And enjoyed our time together. At one point, we were sitting with a drink listening to Running Shadow‘s own voice through Honza’s phone… As if the ITB headquarters was right there in our living room in Austria.

And as the time was passing, I realised how fortunate I was by knowing such wonderful people who somehow sense when I need help and faultlessly serve the right medicine.

Guys, friends, thank you for being there for me and I hope I can pay you back one day.

JD25 – Fellow running mother

This week, a fellow running mother is staying with us, with her family. We did not manage to go out for a run together yet (although both of us went running today) but there was already some time for wine and talking. Happy feet.

mom-runner Also, there was sledging and veeeeeeery little skiing (basically just E standing on her plastic skis, screaming). But we will get there, eventually.


I was still a teenager when the Berlin wall started to shake. The eighties caught me young and naive, eager to discover, to love, to live. During the week days, when I was not training, I was probably spending an evening at some folk & country concert in one of the clubs at the outskirts of Prague. During weekends, I was hitchhiking all over the country to hear my favourite singers and groups. I had no money, no fear, no stress. Somehow, I always had time to do the things I liked to do. I had many good friends (and I am blessed I still maintain those friendships) to travel and to discuss ‘life, universe and everything’ with.

As I was never much of a drinker, I could talk and sing and spend all night at a camp fire to see the first sun rays shining next morning. Back then, I loved early mornings just as I do now.

Twenty five years later the setting has all changed: two babies and responsible job to focus on – but the mornings are still the same. And the below lyrics is still valid, too:

“Vsichni, kteri ve svy krvi stejnej bacil maj, tak se v techhle zvlastnich ranech potkavaj.”

So when Richard, a fellow blogger/runner posted these pics, I went out there on a fresh morning myself:



When it comes to running, March was lousy. 123 km (compared to 200+ in January) is nothing to write home about… But at least in the long run, I crossed an important line: 3000 km since my first Janathon.

When I started running in January 2012, little did I know that this ‘temporary’ activity would last this long. That it would last during my pregnancy all the way to the seventh month. That I would be craving it in the ninth month. That it would come back to me just weeks after delivery. That the running bug would get me with its endorphin, the virtual and real life friendships and more…

But here we are, 3000 km further. I am still on the road and even though I am not faster or slimmer and I am not sure where will it bring me, I am already a better person… thanks to running.

just run

More on friendship

I wrote about friends and friendships earlier but somehow, it is never enough…

When I was a teenager my older brother told me that I should cherish all the good friendships as with the age, one only looses friends and almost never gains new ones. At first, I did not believe him as there were so many new and beautiful and smart people around me and I felt there were new friendships waiting to be grabbed and developed on every corner.

Little did I know that the real friendships don’t come to one’s door too often. The older we get, the more difficult it is to distill the reasons why people get attracted to us. In the past, in my naivety, I let many people close to me and did not see (or did not want to see) why they wanted to declare a friendship to me at all.

Throughout the years that I lived abroad, I lost contact with many good friends and found new friends instead. Except that there was hardly any comparison between the Old ones and the New ones. The New ones co-created my new social life, they were there to talk to and to laugh with and to drink beer with but somehow, with just a few exceptions, these new friendships remained rather shallow. Their roots were simply not deep enough to weather the storm of my life style. Just like my brother predicted.

On the Old friendship scene, luckily the situation was completely different: even though I haven’t seen some of my youth friends for many years, whenever the opportunity was there, we somehow always managed to get together and step halfway into a conversation as if we stopped talking an hour ago – rather than many years ago.

Last time in Prague, I finally proved my brother wrong. Yes, I have met a couple of old friends and yes, the encounters were great and felt like coming home. But I have also met new friends, my running friends that is. And guess what? The time we spent together was at least equally as good. I felt so welcome in their presence, in their homes – as if warm chocolate milk and blanket were offered to me (well, they were, actually!). I spent a lot of time with interesting people conducting interesting conversations. With people who took their time and effort to make me feel good, uncovered the hidden landscapes of their minds in order to help me to uncover my own weaknesses, with people who charged me with lots of energy, who showed me their affection and made me feel good about the way I am.

Maybe it is the running, a universal sport that outgrew in a passion (and even a life style, for some of us) that breaks all the barriers between us? If that is the case, I couldn’t have picked a better hobby.

Thank you. And the Shoe Fairy.

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