April Runs

… hikes, kickbikes, skis and more

Archive for the category “Kickbike”

Další krám do garáže

Jak tak s přibývajícími lety nové ročníky Janathonu a Juneathonu ztrácejí sílu, vytrácí se i moje blogovací “povinnost” v angličtině. I já jsem ovšem jenom člověk, takže se ani mně nevyhýbá klasická past předchozí investice a je mi líto čas od času neposílit vlastní ego krátkým zápiskem. Můžu to ale udělat i česky.

Koloběžka se mě – s nákupem Miba – zcela zmocnila a já se teď pokud možno denně proháním po milované a nenáviděné tauernské cyklostezce a prozkoumávám domácí terén z nového úhlu pohledu. Najednou se vznáším 4 cm nad zemí a mám o dost větší akční radius. Rychlost kolem 15 ti km za hodinu je ideální k tomu, abych se během pár hodin dostala, kam potřebuju, aniž bych se ochuzovala o všední zážitky z cest.

A tak si jezdím, potím se, pozoruju jarní alpskou flóru a faunu, sbírám geocache a raduju se ze svých malých dobrodružství.

Dnešní výlet byl zcela ve znamení hledání vhodného místa u zlatonosné řeky. Místa, kam by se dalo snadno zajet autem, ale zárověň o samotě zatábořit, nerušeně rýžovat, vypustit děti a prostě si užít fajn den venku. Myslím, že mise je, vzdor deštivému závěru, splněna.




28 km, 1 traditional cache, Mibo Royal.

Instead of Calgary…

Tuesday was supposed to find us on the plane to Canada, a long planned (and well deserved) holiday, 2 weeks of being pampered in our friends’ house, 2 weeks of talking about life, universe and everything, drinking good wines, hiking in Banff, exploring Alberta, playing with kids (5 girls alltogether in B’s family and mine)… But the chickenpox epidemy here in Pinzgau dramatically changed our plans: Yesterday morning, S woke up with 1 suspicious dot and before we finished our morning coffee, there were 7 of them and then 10 and 35 all over her body. We stopped counting them, unpacked our bags, called the airliner to check out of the plane and started feeling miserable.

It took us a few hours to recover and to absorb this change. And to explain to all 5 children that the long planned super holiday is being cancelled – or rather postponed. Each of us had her own way to deal with the situation: S was too tired to think about it, E was really really sad, V went gold panning and I hit the treadmill. Bad day.

Luckily, bad times in our house never last long. Especially on sunny days when I have time to close the front door behind me… So I hit the road/trail with my little pony Mibo again. And again, it was fun! What is it that makes you laugh when kickbiking? Easy workout passing Lengdorf, Uttendorf and through the forest path to Stuhlfelden, returning on the Tauern Radweg back to Niedernsill. And 10 minutes later repeating the first bit with E bravely biking behind in front of me. Some 30 km in total and great great fun! As the matter of fact, I repeated the routine today again, 30 km towards Kaprun castle and back home with exactly the same effect: smile on my face.

Alive and kickin’

No, I haven’t died or stopped running. And I haven’t stopped enjoying our life in the mountains either, quite the contrary. The thing is quite simple: the winter season was busy beyond words so the one activity I cut off was blogging.
During the past few months, we had many interesting guests. (As 12HonzaDe mentioned we should be gathering all the stories in a book). Also, we did a lot of skiing, hiking and ice-skating.

However, since virtually EVERYBODY around us started (trail)running, time was ripe to introduce a new activity. The one new sport that I recently became obsessed with passionate about is kickbiking.
Last autumn we quickly bought two low budget no-brand kickbikes and eagerly started practicing. It quickly turned out that pushing 15 kg of metal on hilly dirt roads is a great workout!
I started reading more about kickbikes and how they are made and realised we needed totally different machines: with solid yet light frames, low clearance, 100% reliable brakes and last but not least with wheels that can be centered and that actually turn. So a few days ago I met Lada Blaha, the one guy in Czech who knows all about kickbikes, at Velorama and bought the famous folding beauty on 20 inch wheels made in Roznov: Mibo Royal.

Already after a few minutes on Prague cobble stones it became clear that this vehicle is a whole different level. And so after 3 weeks of continuous sore throat and severe coughing I just couldn’t hold myself back anymore and went for a first Mibo trip around Niedernsill.

This kickbike is a dream. Contrary to what I was accustomed to with the previous one, it was an easy 20+ km ride on both paved and unpaved surfaces (Niedernsill – Uttendorf – schutzgebiet – Pirtendorf – Uggl – Niedernsill) and something tells me that there are more beautiful kicking mornings to follow.

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