April Runs

… hikes, kickbikes, skis and more

Matterhorn, virtually

Talking to friends usually triggers my participation in dangerous projects. Talking to friends when drinking does not make my life any easier :-). We named this summer challenge ‘Matterhorn’ as it entailed climbing this beautiful mountain in 8 weeks. Well, virtually. Translated to real life, we were supposed to climb/run/hike at least 4478 vertical meters during the summer.

I was not sure what to expect, how my body would like to run or hike uphills. The only way to find out was to try it. Little by little I inserted some hilly sections to my runs. My mileage went down a bit and so did my speed (yes, that was still possible!) but the vertical meters were adding up quite nicely. Especially considering me spending the past decade in the flattest country in the world and carrying the extensive body mass.  Each week I covered 700-900 m and so here we are, after 5 weeks (!) on the top of Matterhorn overlooking the Alps – and thinking what to do next.


Week 1: 970 m

Week 2: 766 m

Week 3: 865 m

Week 4: 931 m

Week 5: 983 m

Total:  4515 m

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9 thoughts on “Matterhorn, virtually

  1. Silene napady vznikaji obvykle v hospode pred zavirackou, u treti sklenicky..Vystup to byl skvelej, cestou bylo na co koukat -at uz v AU nebo CH..a cele to slo hodne zlehka a rychle! Odmenime se peknejma panoramatama, vydechnem..porozhlidnem se a nasmerujem o horu dal 🙂

  2. plustenner on said:

    I love that idea! well done to you x

  3. Kopec není žrádlo, kopec je kámoš! A next? No next to bude chtít výlet na ten opravdový Matterhorn, ne? 🙂

  4. Hmmm.
    *converts metres to feet*
    *compares to July stats*
    *joins you to enjoy the view*


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