April Runs

… hikes, kickbikes, skis and more

Janathon Part II.

This year, Janathon caught me in a warm and sunny place and I have all the conditions to run daily and extend my mileage as much as my body allows. Not that I am complaining (the first third brought me to very reasonable 67 km) but there is again a constraint on my way: this time, it is my mind. Even though my body feels strong enough to run further, somehow I cannot cross the invisible marker of 8 or 10 km. I feel I could go further if only my head was not restricting me to do so.

“Why bother, you have done enough today!” and “Let’s face it, you will never become a long-distance runner anyway!” are the most common LOUD voices in my head. They usually appear around mile 2 and want me to return home. What kind of mental block is this and why is it happening to me? Despite the fact that I am 40 years old tired mum of 2 babies with a body not even remotely resembling an athlete, I do like running and I am happy that these days I can run every day.

So this morning I tried to pass the invisible border and to ignore the imaginary voices. Not that I ran VERY far but it was my first run this year longer than 10 km and I even achieved negative splits. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
Finishing the second third of this year’s Janathon with 83.3 km:
Day 20: 6.6 km
Day 19: 4.3 km
Day 18: 21.1 km
Day 17: 4 km
Day 16: 6 km treadmill
Day 15: 8.6 km treadmill
Day 14: 9 km treadmill
Day 13: 6.5 km treadmill
Day 12: 5 km treadmill
Day 11: 12.2 km city run

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8 thoughts on “Janathon Part II.

  1. plustenner on said:

    great running!! well done, and yes having 2 small kiddies does take it out of you, I could barely walk when my twins were under 2 years old, never mind run!

    • Thanks! So it does get better after 2 years? Is there hope?? :-). Happy Janathoning!

      • Vždycky je naděje 🙂 Kde to, prosím tě, běháš? Nebo je ten obrázek jen ilustrační? 😀 Každopádně gratuluju k prolomení mýtické hranice, pevně doufám a věřím, že si jednou dáme spolu nějaký ten maratonek, ať pak můžeme začít živit naději na lámání jinačích cifer 😉 (a jsi fakt dobrá, klobouk dolů!)

  2. Jitko, obrazek je sice z internetu, ale takhle to vypada pod oknama nasi kancelare na Kypru. “Nejaky ten maratonek” rikas – no nejdriv si v klidu odrod a pak uvidime. Drz se!

  3. Moc pěkný! Vydrž! Ten zlom v hlavě přijde sám.

  4. Wow – great running!

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