April Runs

… hikes, kickbikes, skis and more

10K in Leiden

E has just turned 11 weeks and S three weeks so I thought it was the highest time to return to racing. Ehm, can one do that without any training? Without any sleep or proper daily routine? I figured that a short race, just to get the feeling back, couldn’t hurt and so I convinced V to walk with me with both kids downtown yesterday and visit the marathon Expo in Pieterskerk 250520131627

and as we were checking some seriously discounted shoes (bought 4 pairs, the two of us – see the yellow/orange boxes under the strollers), I enrolled for the 10K of Leiden Marathon that was scheduled for today. DSC_0010

250520131628 The loyal reader knows that last year, me and V ran our fist 1/2M here in Leiden and as this year the 10K was practically passing our backyard, this was the one logical choice to do.

As if the kids knew that today I needed to be (sort of) fit, the night was wild. And so was the morning. By the time I had to leave home (14.00) to (hopefully) get to the start line on time, I was exhausted as if it were midnight. There was a lot of crying, no sleeping, refusal to drink…

Anyway, thanks to V, I managed to leave the house on time. The plan was to jump on the bike and get down town and walk to the start. I had about 2 hours to do that, run my 10K and return home. And believe me, I did not want to be late as the breasts would start hurting like hell and kids would yell.

How does it feel to wait there (I had full 2 minutes of time reserve!) at the start with hundreds of charged runners around me – after NO training at all? My last proper run was probably the 10M race in Amsterdam last September. After that, there was some more jogging and then between December and April nothing at all – just weight gaining, delivering babies, breast feeding and NOT shaving the excess weight off at all.260520131634

The first 2 km’s went ok. I somehow knew I was way too fast but I decided to enjoy the day, the crowd, the run, the feeling. Then after another 2 km’s my legs started to hurt. The good thing was that all it was were muscles – no bones or joints. There was a water station half way and a cup of water indeed came handy (normally I don’t drink when running 10K as the distance is simply not worth it…). Around 6 km, the crisis came. Why do I do this? What am I trying to achieve here? Oh nice, I passed a guy who was probably over 70 years old and now he passed me back. Time to quit, go home, feed the baby and stop pushing the limits.

Except that quitting does not show in my books. And so I went on, jogging over all the paths I know from my early morning city runs – except that now hordes of people were supporting me from the sidewalks. By the time I was at 9 km (took me an hour!), I knew I managed to book yet another minor personal victory. The last kilometer was of course an easy one, with crowds around, music, the perfect downtown Leiden racing atmosphere.260520131635And then the medal, the red ribbon hanging around my neck… of course it is dedicated to my 3 beautiful girls who were waiting for me at home.DSC_0018P.S. I managed to return home within the time limit for another breastfeeding session!

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14 thoughts on “10K in Leiden

  1. Jsi hvězda!! Schválně jsem si teď našla, za kolik jsem měla zhruba jedenáct neděl po porodu desítku já – snad tě to potěší, protože za hodinu deset 😉 A ta noc, ta noc! Tví Pražené ti rozumějí (a raději by nerozuměli) – v sobotu mě čeká první ultra, od včerejška se noci zase horší a dneska jsem do tří do rána chovala… potvory mrňavý, ať mi nikdo netvrdí, že nemají radar!

    • Ja myslim, ze deti citi nase napeti a proto nespi. Strasne moc ti drzime palce na vikend!!! A diky za podporu – od tebe je moc potrebna, nebot vis, cim prochazime…

      • ;-))
        The wind whispers soft through the grass, hon.
        The field mice, they make not a peep.
        It’s been thirty-eight minutes already.
        Jesus Christ, what the fuck? Go to sleep.

        All the kids from day care are in dreamland.
        The froggie has made his last
        Hell no, you can’t go to the bathroom.
        You know where you can go? The fuck to sleep.

        (z knížky Go the fuck to Sleep)

      • Ty mas nejakej teleport, ze vidis k nam domu? Misto sprostych slov pouzivame neutralni vyraz ‘jesterka’ a tak je tu dneska vecer jako v terariu…

  2. Holky mate muj obdiv! Jste fakt skvele. Jeste jednou gartulace a Jitce drzim palce!

  3. plustenner on said:

    You did it! What shoes did you buy? And how are the babies doing??

    • We spent a total of EUR 150 for these 4 pairs of shoes: Asics Gel Excel 33, Asics Sky Speed 2, Asics Kinsei 3 and New Balance 813 goretex. Enough gear for the coming year! The babies are doing well, thanks. Emma is almost 3 months, laughing and discovering the world while Sophie slowly adjusts to life ‘out there’. We are very much looking forward to spend our first summer with them, with lots of walking, hiking and hopefully some running too.

  4. Renca on said:

    Jsi báječná! Že jsi se do toho takto pustila. Co taky otálet že? 😀 Tomu říkám spontánní běhání! Je vidět, že když se chce, všechno jde … 🙂 Užívat si mrňata a občas odběhnout na závod 🙂

  5. Zda se, ze chut vybehnout, odhodlani a silna vule umi prekonat vsechny nastrahy brecicich nevinatek. Jsi vazne dobra. A snad bude kazdy dalsi beh min prekazkovy.

  6. Irene on said:

    Congratulations! I enjoyed running the half very much and your post from last year was a great help to me! Hope to pass you running on the streets sometime! Amazed that you can do this with all the babies in your life!

    • Irene, so you did it – great, congrats! Happy to hear my humble writing helped a tiny bit. So… the full marathon next year? I wish I could go running more often – once the kids can sit (or at least one of them), I will be easily recognisable by our bright red Baby Jogger Performance…

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