April Runs

… hikes, kickbikes, skis and more

End of hibernation

Mountain winters are cold. And long. And full of snow. So far, my idea of living a healthy life around here materialised in endless cubical meters of snow shoveled :-). I have been working a lot, physically, that is – but there was significantly less time for running, skiing and recovery. As a result, my favourite pair of jeans shrank. So did my mileage. At the moment I am struggling (and not winning) the battle of 100 km a month. But I do not worry too much.

We did manage to change our life entirely and as a family, leaving the city lights behind, we are happy here. The two smallest family members spend loads of hours outside each day (e.g. searching for what the Easter Bunny left behind…).

20150406_102857 20150406_102909   And we have the most fantastic and ever changing views every day:

20150405_065558 20150407_080553And so I work, run, ski, bike, I count less (no Garmin these days!) and most of all, I am enjoying my life with my girls because facing the elements here I get to realise every day again and again that the rest does not matter at all.

Happy spring, everybody!

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13 thoughts on “End of hibernation

  1. 12honzade on said:

    jsi moudra zena:)… i kdyz to vim, i kdyz tim take ziju… tak me to zde potesi… ta cista jednoduchost tech dulezitch veci kolem nas. at se dari! 12:)

    • To zni, jako ze jsem stara… nicmene ta ‘prirodni’ moudrost, to je tady citit ve vzduchu. Jednoduchy pravdy typu: ‘nebude-li prset, nezmoknem’ tady ziskavaji uplne jiny rozmer. No nakonec uvidis sam, mas to za par :-). Drzim palce na sobotu!

  2. jo, to byly časy, když děti hledaly zajíčky … já chci do hor 🙂 užívejte!!!!!

  3. To jen krasny 🙂 Uz aby byla freza!! Pak to bude zase jina pisnicka 😉 Kazdopadne mate muj obdiv, to co zvladate… to je ultra nad ultra!!

  4. Renča on said:

    Nadhera! Obdivuju a zavidim! 🙂 Uzivej jak jen to jde… ale to beztak delas 🙂 Zivot se nepocita na kilometry 🙂

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